Social and Employment
Lomme, France
Éric Vion
€20,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/10/20
Project leader
Association nationale de développement des épiceries solidaires (ANDES)
"This project fits in perfectly with the social and economic issues of the services sector, by providing an intelligent answer to the commercial downgrading of food produce and the social integration of people in difficulty. In addition, the quality of the interlocutors and the excellent relations of the nonprofit with the major social partners and institutional public partners encourages me to support it."
Éric Vion, Veolia Energy - Dalkia

The mission of Association Nationale de Développement des Epiceries Solidaires (ANDES), created in 2000, is to accompany the creation, development and professionalization of outreach groceries, and to supply them with a variety of high quality foods. To offer food aid that respects the dignity of the target population and is also a means of social integration, it is developing innovative supply alternatives, based on integration through business activity and strong partnerships with the economic world and the State.
Guaranteed fresh fruits and vegetables, courtesy of the Lomme MIN
In pursuing this goal, ANDES is setting up a back-to-work project, Le Gardin de Marianne, which will collect unsold fruits and vegetables from the Market of National Interest (MIN) of Lomme, and distribute them at low cost to the charitable associations of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, which is particularly struck by poverty. This project fully meets the objectives of the nonprofit, by combining the social and professional integration of jobless individuals; improving the food supply and hence the health of people benefiting from food aid in the region; and, last but not least, the fight against food waste. Le Gardin de Marianne will also have to contend with increasingly strong demand from the local nonprofit associations (Restos du cœur, outreach groceries, etc.).