Social and Employment
Kiéché, Nigeria, Niger
Marcel Soccol
40 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/04/03
Project leader
"This project, which participates in the assimilation of the rules of hygiene and health, could trigger the propagation of local initiatives in favor of these major environmental topics."
Marcel Soccol
Since thirty women of the rural commune of Kiéché took charge of collecting household waste, everyone is happy about the improved hygiene in the thirty villages of the commune. The project was kick-started in 2000 by the Nigerian Government and the association Femmes et solidarité (Sofema) which has been working since 1999 to promote the role of women in the Republic of Niger.
Today, to expand its operations, Sofema proposes a vast plan aimed to further improve the health conditions of the commune: construction of latrines and availability of another fifty bullock carts for the women concerned by this initiative.
Assimilating the rules of hygiene
The 43 624 inhabitants of the commune of Kiéché are highly motivated by this action. They have already participated in choosing the locations of the forty seven latrines (public, school and family) and many of them are ready to invest personally in their construction.
As to the women, their role is crucial: those who wish to can acquire a cart and bullocks by taking a loan from the association, refundable over three years. As owners of their own carts, they will then be able to propose various services: collection of waste at home (paid for by the homeowners) as already done before, as well as the transport of goods (wood, water, bricks), and the conveyance of patients and handicapped persons to the local dispensaries. The carts, which will be paid off in five years, will be built by local artisans, who will also take charge of their upkeep.
To help these women achieve financial self-sufficiency and improve the hygiene in their village, the Veolia foundation is associated with this project.