Social and Employment
Grand Troyes, France
Delphine Cousinie
€10,000 to the Selection Committee at 2013/10/15
Project leader
Association Foyer Aubois
"Apart from the fact that through this project, Veolia Environmental Services puts into practice the strategy of the Veolia Rhin-Rhône group in terms of societal corporate responsibility, I'm particularly happy with this approach and see an effective partner In Foyer Aubois."
Delphine Cousinie
The motto of Foyer Aubois is respect for man in general and in his environment.For over 50 years, independent of any ideology and open to all differences, the nonprofit has grappled with the causes of social exclusion leading to dependency, and counsels those who are determined to rebuild their lives. Foyer Aubois has 70 members and active volunteers, 134 employees, including 47 full-time and 87 under back-to-work contracts.
Waste recycling: ecological, ethical and civicminded
The signing of an agreement with Greater Troyes and Veolia in September 2010 allows the inauguration of a recycling workshop. Its principle is simple: teams from Foyer Aubois will retrieve used objects (derelict furniture, bicycles, sofas, shelves and other knickknacks) from the 4 drop-off centers of Greater Troyes, recondition them and sell them at very low prices to people in difficult circumstances. The ecological action is thus duplicated by an ethical and civicminded action, and this economic activity makes it easier for the nonprofit's back-to-work employees to integrate socially and professionally.
Initially, the system hinges around a weekly collection rendezvous on Saturday with a systematic disposal of a specific loader at each of the 4 drop-off centers on the same day. Today, Foyer Aubois wants to extend the system to virtually daily retrievals, but needs to acquire a collection vehicle to do this.
The Foundation is participating in the acquisition of a collection vehicle.