Humanitarian and Development
Zoula, region of Sanguié, Burkina Faso
Laurent Pagès
5 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/06/16
Project leader
Terre Partagée
"This project is in line with the action already completed and will consolidate the school of Zoula and enable the youths of the nearby villages to get an education.It embodies powerful social values: thanks to this school, youths avid for knowledge and lacking resources will be able to attend school in a quality environment."
Laurent Pagès
Since 2004, the nonprofit Terre Partagée, originally from Veauche, in the Loire district, has been supporting Zoula in western Ouagadougou.Thanks to the funds provided in France, it has succeeded in generating a village dynamic around the issue of access to education.Many initiatives have accordingly emerged: the construction of a classroom and a home for the students of the rural center of Zoula, handling the salaries of the trainers, food for the students and their accompaniment when they complete their training, electrification of the home by solar panels, as well as various types of aid to the Sainte-Thérèse School in Zoula and the creation of a local association responsible for promoting the social development of Sanguié.For example, a farm cooperative project is under examination to promote the pooling of the small producers and help them market their produce.
A borehole to find drinking water
In line with all these efforts, Terre Partagée approached the Veolia Foundation for a new project, both conventional and essential.To supply drinking water to the Sainte-Thérèse School in Zoula, it is necessary to drill a borehole.Until now, the water used by the school has been coming from nearby open wells, supplying a fairly low grade water that is used by the canteen, faute de mieux.Over and above the undeniable risks that this water incurs for the entire school community, the situation now threatens the future of the school: the health services of the Burkina Faso education ministry will no longer allow the canteen to operate with such low grade water.
The grant from the Veolia Foundation contributes to the drilling of a borehole 42 meters deep, where the water is drinkable.