Social and Employment
Phnom-Penh, Cambodia
Marie-Thérèse Suart-Fioravante
3000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/05/23
Project leader
Mission Cambodia
«The help of these young students is highly appreciated by Aspeca, which makes maximum use, every summer, of the skills, devotion and logistic input of their association.»
Marie-Thérèse Suart-Fioravante
Founded in 2001 by the students of HEC Business School, the association Mission Cambodge has been since then sending young volunteers wishing to actively aid the Cambodian orphanages of Aspeca-Enfants d’Asie. Every summer, for two months, they are sent in pairs, to help and relay each other, to the various establishments managed by this association throughout the country. They lend a hand whenever deemed necessary: courses in French and English, as well as manual work to participate in the upkeep and renovation of the buildings. It is in this connection that Fondation Veolia Environnement had already supported them in the summer of 2005.
Many a helping hand
The new project for 2006: Mission Cambodge will participate in setting up a microcredit system, in partnership with Gret (an NGO already partner of the Foundation in the field of water supply), in addition to the previous activities which it clearly intends to continue. Three students located at Phnom-Penh will handle the task of compiling the loan application files, welcoming the candidates for microcredit, and participating in tracking the activities of each microbusiness.
At the same time, six of their comrades will be assigned to two orphanages, where they will second the personnel of Aspeca-Enfants d’Asie to dispense a number of courses, recondition the sanitary blocks (toilets, showers, washbasins) and install a power generator.
Approached once again, Fondation Veolia Environnement has decided this year to finance the purchase of this equipment, with a grant of 3000 euros to Mission Cambodge