Social and Employment
Jarmenil near Épinal, France
Pierre-Yves Fénart
15 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/03/26
Project leader
Reval Prest
Since the mid-1990s, the association AMI (Activité Multiplus Insertion) proposes job placement for persons who have been isolated from the working world for a long time.
In 2003, to supplement its capacity, AMI created an economic workforce development agency, Reval Prest, with the aim of providing the persons it supervises with the final transition between aided contracts and the return to an "ordinary" job.
Reval Prest currently has 22 integration employees under 24-month contracts and is developing moving, lopping/pruning and building restoration activities.
Ten new jobs
The new activity conceived by Reval Prest is the collection and processing of WEEE*.
In premises located at Jarmenil and rented from AMI, it has created a sorting and dismantling center for these specific wastes. Once the premises are renovated, the aid granted by the Veolia foundation will be used to buy the appropriate tools and equipment - forklift, scale, rotary table, IT and plotting hardware, etc.
This new development will serve to train and employ 10 new persons undergoing job placement.
* Waste electrical and electronic equipment.