Social and Employment
Béziers, Hérault, France
Jean-Pierre Parisi
15 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/04/03
Project leader
"This extension project, properly constructed, has attracted a serious commercial effort upstream.In fact, a year ago, the association created an integration post for commercial purposes in order to expand its activities toward a high-potential clientele (camping facilities, municipalities, laundry professionals)."
Jean-Pierre Parisi
In 1999, the Séquoia association (fair outreach for the integration of others), specialized in household linen upkeep, created an integration facility intended for unskilled women.In October 2000, it was converted into an integration firm, one of the few in Béziers.Séquoia proposes washing, ironing and seamstress services to private individuals, companies and municipalities.And also, if necessary, home pickup and delivery.Accommodated free of charge by the Center for young workers in Béziers, the association employs four persons for workforce integration today.Their social accompaniment is provided by the Local Plan for Integration and Employment in Béziers, a partner and member of the board of administration.
Job prospects
In order to develop without infringing rules on working conditions and personnel safety, the association needs to carry out a construction project.The working conditions in the laundry are arduous, particularly to the due to the heat generated by the washing machines and ironing facilities.The temperature easily rises to 40°C.As to the hygiene of the premises, it must be impeccable.
Séquoia therefore wants to buy a spin dryer and a new, more economical washing machine, and improve the work environment by tiling the floors and air conditioning the premises.This investment program not only guarantees the permanence of the existing integration jobs, but will also create additional jobs.