Social and Employment
Salé, Morocco
Abdel Ali Khalil
30 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/01/31
Project leader
« Each step of the children’s school integration is part of a logic of progress, aimed to help them become responsible and autonomous adults. This Amesip project is thoughtfully conducted with a determination to succeed for the children’s sake. »
Abdel Ali Khalil
In Morocco, where 44% of the population are under 20, an estimated 30 000 abandoned children struggle to survive in the streets of the major urban centers. At Salé (a town next to the capital, Rabat), Amesip (Association marocaine d’aide aux enfants en situation précaire – Moroccan association for aide to children in a precarious situation) runs various projects to resocialize these children left to themselves and bereft of their social and family markers. Amesip induces them join one of its seven welcome centers where they are fed, cared for, schooled, oriented toward vocational training, and put back in touch with their families whenever possible. Amesip admits children aged 3 to 18.
A School Unique at Africa

Among the structures managed by Amesip, the circus school that it founded trains 150 odd youths in the various circus professions. Unique in Africa, this school works in partnership with circus professionals abroad, and particularly the École Nationale du Cirque of Annie Fratellini and the management of the Cirque d’hiver in Paris. A number of youths from Salé have already been admitted to the French school to complete their training.
Considering with the large number of children needing help and the quality of the services and care it provides, Amesip is often forced to call on outside donors to balance its budgets. Solicited in its turn, the Veolia foundation decided to grant it 30 000 euros, aimed to help rebuild the electrical installation of the school’s circus tent. A necessity to ensure that the young fledging artistes can practice in complete safety.