Social and Employment
Jean-Claude Douvry
€5000 to the Selection Committee at 2010/06/22
Project leader
After the disappearance in 1995 of Paul Delouvrier, a leading government functionary in the IVth and Vth Republics, a study and action program was inaugurated covering areas in which he exerted his skills: city planning, energy, building Europe, public management and jobs for youth. The Institut focuses particularly on the latter item, especially concerning the problem of upward mobility for the young persons.
After beginning in Creil, the initiative has spread considerably since. It now concerns about fifty freshmen and pre-graduates, who received tuition from thirty volunteers.
At the same time, and alongside the nonprofit (now a foundation) Un Avenir Ensemble, the Institut has extended its support action to some forty students sponsored by the Chancellery of the Légion d'Honneur.
Institut Paul Delouvrier also works in cooperation with the nonprofit Tremplin, which provides tuition to nearly 150 students in the Paris region via students from the elite École Polytechnique, École Normale and ENSAE.
The teaching is dispensed in the premises of the Institut, the Grande Chancellery and the old boys' association of the École Polytechnique, with a teaching faculty reaching out to the younger generation.
Tuition is provided in various disciplines: mathematics, physics, life and earth science, French and living languages
The value of this project stems from the determination of the executive committee of the Institut which includes representative players of the world of economics and administration, so that everyone, regardless of his background, can fully exploit his talents to be eligible for academic training.
The Veolia Foundation, devoted to the outreach value that this project embodies, has been asked to cover the investment expenditures (teaching materials and school books) and promote the continued growth of the tuition support provided by the Institut.