Social and Employment
Valence, France
Helena Thrap-Olsen
€10,000 to the Selection Committee at 2013/10/15
Project leader
"I'm very familiar with the nonprofit and its projects and I want to accompany them and back them. I regularly go down to Valence to monitor and assist the project."
Helena Thrap-Olsen
Ascise was created in 2009 to meet the societal challenges of today, like pervasive unemployment and economic insecurity, difficulties of access to housing, particularly for destitute persons, and the impact of the building sector on global warming.
After having operated as a workshop and a back-to-work project (ACI), Ascise decided in early 2012 to convert to a back-to-work agency. It has about 15 employees and its actions are aimed to reduce the environmental impact while developing the thermal insulation sector.
Meeting the societal challenges of today
Ascise offers accompanied jobs in crafts associated with building finishing operations (painting and flooring) and has set up a program in eco-building and thermal rehabilitation for low-income families.
The nonprofit also wants to be the first agency enjoying the Eco-painter label in Ardèche. Today, it needs to make investments to consolidate the agency, and particularly to acquire portable electric equipment and a washing station for the utensils of its paint shop, in order to reduce the environmental impact on water.
The Foundation is participating in the creation of the washing station.