Environment and Biodiversity
Schools in France and abroad
Catherine Peyrade
159,000 € in 2004 (multi-year initiative) to the Selection Committee at 2004/09/28
The “Discovering water” teaching pack designed by Générale des Eaux offers teachers and pupils aged 8 to 10 a chance to participate in a multidisciplinary project on the theme of water (science and technologies, history, geography, citizenship education, literature, and the arts). This teaching tool is in keeping with national education recommendations which, this year, are aimed at developing teaching of environmental issues.
Pupils play an active part in learning about the fundamentals of water via experimentation founded on a scientific approach. They learn that freshwater is not available in the same quantities everywhere in the world and are taught what eco-citizenship really means. Children come away with the knowledge that water is a precious, fragile and vital resource which must be protected and shared.
Each pack contains material and products enabling about fifteen water-based experiments to be conducted, a guide to help the teacher take the class through the experiments and suggest further learning, as well as thirty books on water which can be lent to pupils and posters for display in the classroom.
This initiative has been run for over ten years by Générale des Eaux, firstly in France and then in other countries. An initial version of the pack was sent out to over 19,000 schools in 26 countries. This pro-environment educational initiative will now continue under the banner of the Veolia foundation.