Environment and Biodiversity
Gaël Mainguy
17 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/05/22
Project leader
Et demain la Terre
« Emmanuel Suarez and Laetitia Hipp, the project leaders, are certainly not beginners. With four plays staged since 2001, their artistic career testifies to the expertise necessary for this type of project. I was particularly impressed by their approach, which highlights reflection and the complexity of the scientific challenges, instead of pandering to a certain simplistic and reproachful tendency. »
Gaël Mainguy
For the children of today to become adults who are responsible for their planet, the association Et demain la Terre has developed a novel approach: the theater. By organizing stage shows, accompanied by workshops and exhibitions aimed at children from seven to 11 yeas of age, it aims to send a scientific message in an entertaining and educational manner.
A show designed for school children
The play created by Et demain la Terre is ideal for school groups, including handicapped children: it is in fact translated into sign language. To guarantee the quality of its messages and its understanding by a young audience, many partners have joined in: teachers, scientists (via the association Atomes crochus associated with the Department of Cognitive Sciences of the École Normale Supérieure), consultants in sustainable development, managers of municipalities and schoolchildren. The show sets out four themes of sustainable development connected with the school curriculum: global warning, dumping at sea, the question of water, and deforestation. The young theater troupe will first perform in Paris, Montgeron (91), and then in Angers, Chambéry, Montreuil-sous-Bois, etc.
Alongside the shows, texts, songs, workshop programs and concrete examples are provided to teachers who can reproduce them in the classroom for unrestricted access.