Social & Employment
- Location:
Joinville, Haute-Marne (France) - Sponsor:
Clara Bercovici - Grant:
€10,000 to the Board of Directors on May 17, 2021
Project Leader
Created at the end of 2017 to support the Territoire zéro chômeur de longue durée (TZCLD) project in the Joinville basin, Nouvelle Equation has set itself the goal of providing job applicants with personalized, tailored follow-up.
To put an end to long-term unemployment, public and private players have come together around the "Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée (TZCLD)" scheme. After a test phase initiated in 2017 around a dozen territories, the program was extended by the legislature at the end of 2020.
Since its creation in the Haute-Marne region, Nouvelle Equation has sought to mobilize as many players as possible. The ambition has been clear from the outset: to (re)connect with as many of the region's long-term unemployed as possible. To achieve this, Nouvelle Equation relies on a dense network of partners: Pôle Emploi, Cap, Mission Locale, Circonscription d'action sociale, Centre communal d'action sociale (CCAS), Mutuelle sociale agricole (MSA)...
Unconditional one-to-one interviews
Nouvelle Equation organizes individual interviews with jobseekers applying for positions with the Entreprise à but d'emploi (EBE): each person who has attended an information meeting and wishes to take part in the project is offered an appointment, as far as possible within 10 days of initial contact.
Individual interviews enable us to provide "à la carte" follow-up: the aim is to take stock of each person's aspirations, needs and professional projects, while supporting them as they pursue their path towards employment.
Local activities
At the same time, in-depth work is being carried out to study the needs of the region, with the idea of drawing on pre-existing structures to develop a range of services: recycling, rehabilitation of the terraced gardens on Joinville's côte du château, agricultural activities (and marketing), mobility assistance, solidarity initiatives, etc.
Nouvelle-Equation receives its TZCLD accreditation in June 2022.