Humanitarian & Development
- Location:
World - Sponsor:
David Poinard - Grants:
€30,000 during the Committee meeting of 19/10/2022
€10,000 during the Committee meeting of 28/03/2024
Project leader
The WASH in Crisis and Fragile Situations Working Group of the French Water Partnership works on issues of access to water, sanitation and hygiene in the constrained environment of humanitarian operations. The exchanges it enables are valuable and effective: in particular, they help to improve methods and equipment.
The French Water Partnership (FWP) is a not-for-profit association set up in 2007. It brings together nearly 200 members working on water issues, including public bodies, NGOs, associations and foundations, local authorities, economic players and research institutions. A forum for forward thinking and the exchange of information, experience and expertise, the FWP develops and promotes common messages and helps to raise awareness of the issues surrounding access to water.
Among the various working groups set up, the issue of access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) mobilises a number of players. The "WASH, crises and fragility" group, supported by the Veolia Foundation, brings together humanitarian actors to work on issues specific to these changing and uncertain environments. The aim is to encourage synergies, share best practice and improve coordination to make operations more effective.