Humanitarian and Development
Thierry Vandevelde, Veolia
1 million € to the Selection Committee at 2005/05/31
Project leader
Veolia Waterforce
When Veolia Water Force volunteers fly out to provide aid after a natural disaster, they never turn up empty handed.
Their "suitcases", or more to the point the baggage holds of the aircraft, are filled with vital equipment: water treatment units and water supply system kits, pumping and storage equipment, water disinfectants, etc.
So they can respond to an emergency without delay, these various types of equipment are continually renewed and kept in storage ready for use.
Stocks to be replenished
Last winter's Asian tsunami used up all of the team's stock. If it doesn't build up new stock it will be unable to respond to another disaster.
Until the Veolia foundation was set up, it was up to Veolia Water to oversee this continual resupply process. But naturally, since June 2004, the Foundation has taken on the budget for the purchase of emergency aid equipment. A one-million-euro budget has just been made available in this regard. As a result, even if no-one wants the Veolia Water Force to be called into action, should its services be required, it will be in a position to respond with its usual speed and efficiency.