Social and Employment
Bègles, France
Stéphanie Daoudi
10 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/09/29
Project leader
Bâtiment des Graves
This Building and Public Works (masonry, roofing, frameworks) formed at Bègles in July 2006, is now recognized in the region for the quality of its services, even though its employees are in serious difficulty and on a back-to-work basis. It is also the only social integration and outreach company of the profession to work throughout the Bordeaux urban community. Subsidized by the District Labor Administration for eight back-to-work jobs, it is equally well positioned on public worksites and refurbishing for a private clientele.
To meet rising demand and grow commensurately, Bâtiment des Graves has to satisfy immediate needs for machines (forklifts in particular) which are too expensive to lease over a long period for large worksites, and for transport vehicles to convey the employees in serious social difficulty to the worksites not served by public transit.
Since the growth of the company in satisfactory conditions from the technical and safety standpoint helps increase the supply of back-to-work jobs, investments now have to be made, namely the minimum acquisition of a telescopic lift or a mini-excavator, a transport vehicle and safety equipment, at a total estimated cost of €42,000.
A virtually certain possibility of hiring by the larger small and medium businesses for youths trained in this workforce development company, which is unique in the profession
Over and above the money saved on rental costs, the purchase of worksite machines enables the company to have its back-to-work employees earn the machine operator certificate (CACES) that is indispensible for finding a durable job in the building trades.
This certificate, recognized throughout the profession, must be augmented by a significant number of hours of operation on a machine, which is something that is not always possible when equipment is leased. The company's acquisition of a telescopic lift will make it easier to train the employees who, at equivalent skills, have a real chance of finding a normal job when they quit the course.
As to the transport vehicles, they supply a need that is often poorly perceived from outside, because nearly all the persons recruited by the company - those same youths in serious difficulty - either don't have a driving license or are unable to secure private transportation to their workplace apart from public transit.