Social and Employment
Paris, France
Vincent Perrin
37,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/07/05
Project leader
Ares Services Paris
"The experience, untiring commitment and professionalism of the "Ares" management team are all strong points in favour of this project which helps get the most needy back into the workplace and mainstream society. It achieves these goals while remaining financially prudent and steering clear of a'hand-out' mentality."
Vincent Perrin
There are few structures capable of effectively organising the social integration of the homeless. "Ares Services" is undoubtedly one of them. An offshoot of the "Ares" association founded in 1992, this "social integration" company offers public and private customers custom work (mailshots, routing, parcel preparation, etc.) and services : removals, handling, end-of-worksite clean-ups, etc. Established in both Asnières and, especially, Créteil, where it employs sixty-one staff, "Ares Services" reactivated its Paris cell in 2005, in order to meet the growing social needs in the capital and respond to the requirements of major customers such as Canal Plus, Axa, SNCF and Centrale Loisirs.
Thirty-five new jobs
"Ares Services" work is in keeping with that of "Ares Atelier" which employees the homeless for three-month periods under conditions which are similar to those in business. This organisation provides them with welfare and health support, for 60% of the time, to help them escape social exclusion. Once their special CAVA (adaptation to work) contract ends, "Ares Services" takes over by offering fixed-term minimum-wage contracts, personalised training, career guidance and active assistance in finding stable employment.
Thanks to support from the Veolia Foundation in particular, "Ares Services" has completed the transfer of part of the offices used by "Ares Atelier" to the 13th arrondissement. It has constructed a 100 m² mezzanine and purchased an extra vehicle and more logistic equipment (pallet hoist, electric stacker, scales, etc.).
Its substantially larger storage and production capacity has enabled it to create an additional thirty-five new placement-integration positions.
This first grant from the Veolia Foundation was supplemented in 2007 by backing for Ares Boissy-Saint-Léger, a sister organization of Ares Paris.