Social and Employment
Sevran,Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Cédric Laffolet
15,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/10/04
Project leader
Atelier 7
"By opening this structure, "Atelier 7" is killing two birds with one stone: creating a restaurant managed by victims of social exclusion and, thanks to the low prices, providing a community facility for people on low incomes."
Cédric Laffolet
"Atelier 7" has opened a restaurant and created six jobs in Sevran, a town where the unemployment rate is 17% and 1,800 inhabitants are on income support.
This project is fully in keeping with the employment plan developed by the municipality. This original initiative, aimed at providing jobs for the long-term unemployed on "social integration" contracts, also comprises a sociocultural dimension.
Catering to all and sundry
The restaurant includes exhibition spaces, reading areas and even rooms reserved for board games. The cherry on the cake comes in the form of a restaurant and bar at affordable prices (fixed menu for 10 euros) in order to draw in as many customer as possible, particularly those on low incomes.
And by relying on a municipality survey of local companies, "Atelier 7" is positioned on the lucrative market of corporate catering.
The association in fact of runners he catering and meal delivery service. The 15,000 euros in funding from the Veolia Foundation helped equip the kitchen and upgrade it to standard.