Social and Employment
Coastline of Corsica, France
Aimé Calvier
5 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/05/27
Project leader
Rêve d'Enfance

« The goal of Rêve d'Enfance is to restore hope to young patients in remission. The serious and structured organisation provides these adolescents with a unique experience of group life in a protected universe. Sailing, a sport and a passion, is a breeding ground for courage and enthusiasm: these values are indispensable for the future of these youths. »
Aimé Calvier
Since 2002, the association Rêve d'Enfance, founded by volunteer HEC students, has taken young cancer or leukemia patients on a Mediterranean cruise every summer. These ocean escapades represent extraordinary interludes in too often confined lives in a hospital environment. For those in a period of remission, or even better, on the road to a cure, can thereby recover the joy of living. Every year, the well-being observed in these adolescents is both physical and moral.
Happy and properly supervised
In 2008, on a new cruise, Rêve d'Enfance sailed along the Corsican coast between Calvi and Bonifacio, making several stopovers for sports or educational activities.
From June 16 to 26, 2008, six sailboats headed out, sailing in a convoy, led by professional skippers seconded on each boat by three students with life-saving diplomas. Five young patients were taken aboard per boat as well as a medical intern. And to complete the safety aspect of the adventure, Société Nationale de Sauvetage was informed about the route to be taken before every departure. The Veolia Environment Foundation gave its aid to this fine voyage, which gives the youths far more than a few days in the country: the courage to face the future once again.