It would appear that the new economy is causing territorial authorities and movers and shakers to network… Accordingly, the forging of bonds, representing the backbone of this revolution, will be one of the topics at the Veolia Foundation’s next 2C circular conference. The event will take place next February 13th at the REcyclerie in Paris, featuring Emeric Fortin of the Ecole des Ponts, Emmanuelle Moesch of the National Institute for Circular Economy, Anita Ravlic, City of Paris, and Amélie Rouvin of Veolia.
This new 2C conference will be launching the “4 Challenges for 4 Seasons” programme slated to last throughout 2018. Thanks to support from the Veolia Foundation, the REcyclerie hopes to establish those conferences in such a way as to match its relationship to Time and Nature, while demonstrating its determination to foster change and initiatives for visitors.

For further information, please visit this page.
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
La REcyclerie, 83 boulevard Ornano, 75018 Paris (Metro: Porte de Clignancourt, line 4).