The 4 winning projects in 2017:
The first prize was presented to RES’eau, an association of engineering students from Tecomah, ISTOM and ENGEES, for their project to supply drinking water to a district in the city of Tacloban, in the Philippines. In an area where more than 80% was destroyed by typhoon Yolanda in November 2013, RES'eau and the local NGO Kaloob, have established a water source and built a gravity distribution drinking water system to supply 20 litres of drinking water - to quality standards that comply with World Health Organization (WHO) requirements - per day per person. Created in 2012, RES'eau undertakes international solidarity projects in the area of water and sanitation in Africa and Asia.
Award: €7,000 for the purchase of cinder blocks, PVC piping, bacteriological analysis kit, standpipes, and tanks.

The second prize went to the Sciences Po Paris student association, Le Baba, for the creation of a travelling "canteen market" in Paris. The principle is that refugees and immigrants share their culinary culture with people in the Ile-de-France. Eventually, the association could become a cooperative which will create business and jobs and offer the chefs the status of employee-entrepreneur. The students recruit chefs in reception centres in conjunction with the social inclusion association Aurore, and have established partnerships with cookery schools to train them. Since it was set up Le Baba has been supported by the NGO Enactus France.
Award: €4,500 for the purchase of materials needed build 3 canteen trailers.

The 3rd prize was won by the student association of Sciences Po Toulouse, Yokoumi Founded in March 2017, it helps a women's cooperative in the village of Kelizio in Togo, which makes shea butter cosmetic products using traditional methods. Yokoumi will set up sales channels in France and Togo, including the works councils of large groups and hotel chains in West Africa. A percentage of the profits will go to Solidarité Enfance et Vie, a Togolese microcredit NGO that has enabled 350 Togolese women to develop an activity.
Award: €3,000 to finance dermatological tests.

Public Award: through the online voting campaign open to all, the Public Award was given by Internet users to the OAN International association set up by students at the Universidad Politecnica in Madrid.
The Anour Clinic and the Sounon Sero Hospital, which look after 300,000 patients from Benin, Nigeria and Burkina Faso every year, suffer from frequent power cuts, making it difficult to sterilize medical equipment. OAN International will install two solar powered autoclaves and train medical personnel to maintain them.
Award: €2,000 for the purchase of solar concentrators, pressure receptacles, and maintenance equipment.

Created by the Veolia Foundation in conjunction with the Group's Human Resources Department, the Student Solidarity Award recognizes innovative solidarity projects designed by higher education students in France and abroad in one of the three areas of intervention covered by the Foundation: humanitarian emergencies and development aid, social inclusion through work and social links, environmental conservation and biodiversity.