Social and Employment
Finistère., France
Frédéric Paterour
5000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/05/23
Project leader
Sauvegarde de l'enfance du Finistère
« I am personally involved in local associative life as the manager of a football club: I often have the opportunity to gauge the beneficial action of sports. It helps individuals in a difficult situation to escape their isolation. »
Frédéric Paterour
Respect for oneself and for others, the taste for effort, going beyond perceived limits, understanding the rules and the importance of compliance, the team spirit dear to Aymé Jacquet…, the practice of sports is profoundly educational and, in this respect, a vector of social integration. Unfortunately, the persons who perhaps need this most—all those who find themselves in an extremely precarious situation—often don’t enjoy access. Lacking financial resources, self-confidence, or simply opportunities in the immediate neighborhood, they add sports exclusion to their other sufferings.
Sports at every age
In Brittany, the association Sauvegarde de l’enfance du Finistère had decided to rectify this situation by setting the target of using sports to remobilize and socially reintegrate jobless persons, enjoying minimal social benefits. Its project “Full Steam Ahead!” is designed to encourage the 18-60 year bracket in a precarious situation to recover their bearings and the wish to plunge into the future through regular group sports activity: sea kayak, swimming pool, cycling, walks, orientation.
And to supply the very practical means to materialize this initiative, it has approached several major donors in order to acquire the collective transport vehicle enabling it to get its protégés to work out with insouciance.
Alongside the General Council of Finistère, fondation Veolia backs Sauvegarde with a 5000 euro grant.