Social and Employment
Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Vincent Merle
10,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/07/01
Project leader
Moderniser sans Exclure Sud
"For the last ten years, the rigor of the approach and the huge respect shown to the persons who take the floor have consolidated the association's reputation. Current pressures on the job market will certainly lead the Veolia Foundation to demonstrate even more strongly its concern to participate in the social and professional integration effort of unskilled persons living on the margins of society. The grant from the Foundation accordingly reveals its full stature."
Vincent Merle
Finding a job, food, lodging, the care required by one's state of health, exercising one's rights and duties as a citizen - since 1990, the association Moderniser sans Exclure is investing in the Rhône-Alpes and Provence Côte d'Azur regions to help disadvantaged publics to become active citizens once again.
To achieve this goal, it puts into practice - and in images - a simple principle: shine the spotlight on those who no longer have it. Moderniser sans Exclure basis its action on what it calls "automediatization". It produces films from the stories of volunteers in desperate straits.
The stories thus recorded are then classed into different categories, commented and validated by the interviewed group, which also participates in the whole editing phase.
Speaking out in front of all the players concerned by exclusion
In a second phase, the films thus produced are disseminated to several publics: elected officials, association leaders, players in the area of workforce and social development, corporate Human Resources Managers, etc. Gradually, thanks to this staging of the words of those whom we never hear, their needs and their expectations are better understood, and they themselves recover enough assurance to start making plans again.
Impressed by the work done by Moderniser sans Exclure throughout southern France, the Veolia fondation decided to help it purchase new video production and post production equipment. This new equipment will enable several teams to work simultaneously and will significantly improve the quality of the films produced.