Humanitarian and Development
Kongoussi (120 km north of Ouagadougou), Burkina Faso
Jacques Jouny
20 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/07/03
Project leader
Burkina 76
BurkThis represents a genuine breakthrough in the field of re-nutrition of children suffering from malnutrition, as well as emergency food. Plumpy'Nut is an extremely rich food, based on peanuts, powered milk and food supplements (mineral salts and vitamins). Developed and patented in 1988 by Nutriset, in Seine Maritime, and the IRD (Institute for Research for Development), it is ingeniously packaged in sealed metal bags, ready for consumption, without any need to add water. Thanks to Plumpy'Nut, undernourished children can recover their health in four to six weeks, at the rate of two bags of 92 grams daily, without any risk of contamination by new waterborne diseases.
Transfer of Knowhow
Burkina 76, an association working for the development of Burkina Faso within a twinning framework between the province in the centre-north of the country, Baam, and the Seine Maritime département, has decided to install a Plumpy'Nut plant in Kongoussi, 120 km north of the capital. In this commune, where it has already built the Maison de l'Enfance et de la Famille in collaboration with the local Ocades*, it wants to continue its action for children.
The future plant will obtain the "Plumpy'Nut in the Field" franchise developed by Nutriset: the company will assist Burkina 76 throughout the implementation of the project, and upon startup, it will transmit its trademark, patent and knowhow. In exchange, the local producer will obviously agree to comply with the production method and specifications to the letter.
Ultimately, thanks to this new project, Burkina 76 hopes to set up the conditions to help the population on its own fight the malnutrition of some of its children. A new avenue to development.
* Ocades: Catholic Organization for Development and Solidarity