Social and Employment
Toulouse, France
Antoine Augustin
€15,000 to the Selection Committee at 2012/12/19
Project leader
« La Pie Verte is a dependable and dynamic undertaking, working in a complex economic environment.I'm happy to help it in its continuous improvement approach initiated since 2009, by offering it the expertise of the Veolia Water employees for upgrading the grease extractor system. »
Antoine Augustin
The workforce development agency La Pie Verte, created in 1991, is a subsidiary of Apprentis d'Auteuil.
The agency runs a catering business near Toulouse in three forms: delivery of cold meals, a self-service restaurant open for lunch daily from Monday to Friday, and catering services, delivered or on site (buffets, cocktails, food trays, etc.). Its parent, Apprentis d'Auteuil, was created in 1866. It receives, educates, trains and finds work for nearly 14 000 young persons having serious school, social and family problems, in 200 establishments in France.Entrusted by their families or by the Children's Social Aid Services, the young persons enjoy a secure setting to help them get back on track and develop their knowhow and self-confidence.
Apprentis d'Auteuil, recognized as a community interest foundation, also supports families in distress in their educational role. 66 vocational training programs are dispensed in the Apprentis d'Auteuil facilities.
A crucial catering activity
Since 2009, La Pie Verte, with 87% of its budget derived from turnover, has launched a vast investment program to renovate and upgrade its production facilities and improve the reception of jobseekers and its clientele.
In 2012, the La Pie Verte self-service cafeteria accounted for 28% of its total sales and covered more than half of its back-to-work employees (4.5 equivalent full-time persons). It represents the most effective leverage for workforce development for these vulnerable publics: direct contact with the clientele, significant development of knowhow and self-confidence.
Between 150 and 200 customers lunch there every day. To contend with the growth of its activity, the quality of the reception premises needs to be improved. The indispensible renewal of some equipment (upgrading to standard), the improvement of the conditions for receiving the customers of the cafeteria and the upgrading of the site, are ultimately aimed to expand the business, boost the back-to-work rate for the existing beneficiaries, and create one more equivalent full-time job.
Upgrading to standard and enhancing the site
The plan is to install a grease trap extractor (urgent demand by the Greater Toulouse Urban Community) by replacing and altering the existing units. A new refrigerated and ventilated display for the self-service ramp is needed, to meet the requirements of the Departmental Directorate for Population Protection.
To upgrade the site and improve its reception conditions, a terrace is being arranged to enable the customers to take their meals outdoors six months of the year. A totem and signage are installed on the avenue to attract a new clientele of passersby. The installation of a larger plancha and a snack tray are aimed to diversify the supply of grilled foods. And the installation of an efficient and quiet extractor hood is intended to improve the customer comfort and employee working conditions.
An outreach cafeteria upgrades to standard and enhances its hospitality
Associated in this major renovation alongside the Veolia Foundation, which is investing primarily in the installation of a grease trap extractor, are the Fondation Chèque Déjeuner, Danone Commission Solidarité, Agence de l'eau and, naturally, Apprentis d'Auteuil.