Humanitarian and Development
Michel Avenas
Marie-Françoise Malheu
60,000 euro to the Selection Committee at 2006/05/23
Project leader
---Planète Urgence---
On May 23, 2006, the Veolia foundation signed an extension to its initial contract with Planète Urgence. Continuing on from the previous agreement signed in June 2004, this extension further entrenches the partnership between the foundation and this NGO for an additional two years through to July 2008. Under the terms of the agreement, the Foundation undertakes to cover the costs arising from Veolia employees' participation in outreach projects organized by Planète Urgence - to a maximum of 30,000 euros a year.
Volunteer employees devote two weeks of their annual leave to actively participating in projects focused on human development or environmental protection identified and run by Planète Urgence.
Help Cameroon villagers to protect mangrove forests, researchers in Zimbabwe fight to protect the big cats, or Burina Faso women to learn basic computer skills... the range of "working holidays" on offer in the guide published by the NGO is vast and eclectic. For all employees wanting to spend part of their annual leave doing "something different," they need only leaf through the catalogue pages and make a firm commitment to the cause that most closely fits their beliefs. Then... it's a good idea to make sure your vaccination certificate is up to date! Between June 2004 and June 2007, 35 employees have already seized this opportunity to spend their vacations together in an environment-friendly setting.