Environment and biodiversity
Drôme (France)
Stanislas Pouradier Duteil
€10,000 at the committee meeting on 16/09/2015
Project leader
Kasciopé Centre de Culture, Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle (CCSTI) de la Drôme
« I have known Kasciopé, the Drôme CCSTI, for years. We have worked together on many projects. It seems to me that the questions relating to climate change and environmental health are extremely interesting, constructive and professionals. »
Stanislas Pouradier Duteil
Kasciopé is a scientific, technical, and industrial cultural centre in the Drôme region. Since it was set up in 2000, the association has set itself the task of disseminating scientific culture to everyone, but focuses in particular on young people. It aims to offer an introduction to science and its issues, share knowledge outside a school setting, educate people in active citizenship, and prompt debates about science and society. Proof of its seriousness, Kasciopé has been awarded the "Science and Culture, Innovation" label by France’s Ministry of Research and Higher Education as well as being designated an official scientific, technical and industrial cultural centre (CCSTI) for the Drôme.
After organizing numerous exhibitions, Kasciopé would like to innovate by creating a new format for transmitting knowledge. Autumn 2015 is the timing for the first action focusing on the themes of protecting the environment and the green economy. The project is aimed at a wide audience across the Drôme in partnership with local authorities, employment services, the Ministry of Education, universities, and businesses. The programme revolves around several meeting places.
Two exhibitions...
The project is based on two exhibitions in particular. The first, dubbed "The climate is changing, what about you?" questions our ability to adapt and sets up a discussion with stakeholders. The second is "Focus on air quality" which offers to uncover the secrets, benefits, and dangers of the invisible.
...a business forum and science café
The planned programme also draws on a local employment business and circular economy forum. The aim is to give objective information about the diversity of technical training and careers in local businesses and the circular economy. The business round tables are themed around a sector to attract more young people to find out about the new job opportunities.

Raising the awareness of young people is still the main focus of Kasciopé’s work: the project includes "junior science cafes", which are spaces for the transmission of expertise prepared in advance by a Kasciopé mediator and the teaching staff of the targeted school.
In the Rhône-Alpes region, the CCSTI has emerged as as a major player in discovering science and its challenges for the future. The Veolia Foundation supports its mobile development projects.