Social and Employment
Melun, Seine-et-Marne, France
Serge Bourdon
55,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/07/05
Project leader
"Making a social contribution"
Serge Bourdon
Founded in the department of Seine-et-Marne in 1992 with a remit to promote employment of the disabled, the "Ohé-Prométhée Seine-et-Marne" association (which is part of a network of 25 associations) assists both the companies employing the disabled and the individuals themselves, throughout the entire process.
Thanks to a range of tried and tested job-search tools (personalised guidance and monitoring, approaches made to businesses, specialised training, etc.), out of one thousand disabled people calling on its services each year, "Ohé-Prométhée" manages to help 400 to 450 find employment.
Giving everyone access to ICTs
To cope with the expansion of its activities, "Ohé Prométhée" moved to bigger premises where it set up a permanent workshop for online job hunting. This facility will be open to the public from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm. The disabled enjoy free access to fifteen job-search work stations equipped with telephones, computers, fax machines and printers. With guidance from a business relations advisor, users can consult job offers posted on the Internet, send in applications online, conduct telephone prospecting, type up and print out CVs, etc. In short, they can actively engage in all job hunting procedures.
Alongside welfare structures and other private partners, the Veolia Foundation supported this extension by providing funding of 55,000 euros which enabled the association to fit out its new workshop with computer hardware and telephones.
The inauguration, on January 27, 2006, also gave the opportunity to celebrate the signature of the 5000th job contract for a disabled person.