Humanitarian and Development
Vadu Rosca (Vrancea), Romania
Catalin Seicha, Veolia Eau Romania
50,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/12/06
Project leader
Via Seva
« Vrancea is one of the districts hardest hit by the floods of last summer. The Prefect, Ion Oprea, has made every imaginable effort to rehouse the inhabitants of the village of Vadu Rosca, completely destroyed last June. But given the enormity of the damage, reconstruction is a massive affair and the government funds aren't enough. »
Catalin Seicha
Hunreds of localities submerged repeatedly, tens of thousands of multifamily homes and buildings destroyed, thirty dead, landslides, many hundred thousands of hectares of farmland and forests damaged : Romania experienced a terrifying summer of 2005, repeatedly struck by floods.
Veolia Roumanie, naturally concerned by this situation, set up a team to meet the authorities of the disaster areas and to identify the most urgent needs.
These include rehousing the families which have lost everything, and universal access to drinking water.
A whole village drowned
In the center of Moldavia, the district of Vrancea is one of the hardest hit. Together with its prefect, Ion Oprea, a diagnosis of the situation and an action plan have been drawn up.
Veolia Roumanie first signed an agreement to drill a new well to bring drinking water to a hundred persons of the village of Vulturi. But despite the pledges of the government and the various local authorities to help the victims, their needs have not yet been fully covered. Thus in the village of Vadu Rosca, completely destroyed by the floods, nearly 200 families still have no shelter.
Faced with this disaster, Fondation Veolia Environnement has decided to participate in reconstruction. The 50 000 euros allocated was used to build nine new homes.
Three villages in the district benefited from this aid: Gura Calitei,Vanatori and Nanesti.
In late 2006, the nine families concerned rediscovered the joys of having a roof of their own.