In order to limit the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, everyone needs to be in a position to use barrier measures. But a large number of people do not have access to basic hygiene products.
To enable everyone, especially forgotten people living on the streets (homeless, migrants, squatters and shantytown populations, etc.), to protect themselves, the Veolia Foundation is working with the French Red Cross’ integration arm and the NGO Solidarités International to produce and distribute hygiene kits. They are assembled by Croix-Rouge Insertion, which with the help of the Veolia Foundation is thereby able to continue its work combating insecurity by creating jobs. From mid-April, the kits will be distributed by Solidarités International, which in coordination with Médecins du Monde is working in the field.
This initiative, which targets people who are particularly vulnerable to contracting coronavirus and isolated by Covid-19 control measures, is coupled with a call to mobilize. The Veolia Foundation is calling on its counterparts to join the multi-stakeholder platform set up to distribute the first hygiene kits.
The Veolia Foundation is also helping to set up temporary water access in unsanitary camps in the Paris region. By making its experts available to NGO partners, it was involved in assessing needs on the ground in Seine-Saint-Denis, before providing equipment to facilitate the installation of distribution ramps.

Croix-Rouge Insertion is an initiative of the French Red Cross. It carries out important work in the fight against job insecurity through the development of employment.
Both in France and abroad, the Veolia Foundation supports non-profit projects of general interest that contribute to the sustainable development of territories. Its priority areas of intervention are humanitarian and development, social and employment, and environment and biodiversity. Since its creation in 2004, the Foundation has helped more than 1,500 projects and conducted almost 200 skills missions.
Solidarités International is a French association founded in 1980 with the aim of providing the necessary humanitarian aid to populations in crisis situations.
Croix-Rouge Insertion is an initiative of the French Red Cross that makes the development of employment in the territories a major focus in efforts to combat insecurity. Croix-Rouge Insertion establishments share the same values and the same goals as the French Red Cross