In Bali, Indonesia, the 10th edition of the World Water Forum opens with several hundred participants to make water an absolute priority. With its institutional partners and NGOs present on site, the Veolia Foundation is promoting a partnership approach to better respond to humanitarian needs that are more pressing than ever.

By aiming for "universal access to water and sanitation", Sustainable Development Goal 6 is ambitious. It sets a course that can only be achieved through a partnership approach. Aware of the stakes involved, and committed to working with its stakeholders on many fronts, the Veolia Foundation is taking part in the 10th World Water Forum. Held in Bali, Indonesia, until May 25, this global gathering is an opportunity to exchange views, best practices and feedback.
At the session "Achieving MDG 6 (access to water and sanitation for all) in fragile and humanitarian contexts", organized by the Veolia Foundation with the NGO Solidarités International, experts from different continents will give their views. The discussions will be moderated by Muyatwa Sitali, Head of country and partner engagement at Sanitation and Water for All, and will include representatives from the International Organization for Migration (IOM, UN), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Unicef (UN), the government of Burkina Faso and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
They will discuss the growing number of humanitarian crises, the impact of climate change, community involvement, collaboration between different players, the need for sustainable infrastructures, and more.
> Meet us on Thursday May 23 at 10:20 a.m. in Jakarta A&B.
Access to water in fragile situations is an essential lever in the response to humanitarian emergencies. With Unicef in Chad or Guinea, with Médecins Sans Frontières in Haiti or Pakistan, or with the Red Cross in Morocco or the Caribbean, the Veolia Foundation is mobilizing. It makes its expertise in access to water and sanitation available to NGOs, local authorities and UN agencies in emergency situations or for development projects.
To be sustainable, access to water must also take the path of innovation. This is what 1001fontaines, an NGO with long-standing support from the Veolia Foundation in Cambodia, is doing. During a side event on decentralized solutions, organized on the France pavilion on Thursday May 23 (9-10 a.m.), 1001fontaines will explain how it is developing its "water kiosks" to strengthen access to high-quality, carbon-free water. The project allows us to explore decentralized access issues and to project ourselves into other geographies.

> See you on Thursday, May 23, 2024, 9-10 a.m., France pavilion.
This is a daily emergency for the 1.9 billion people living in fragile or extremely fragile states (as defined by the OECD). Achieving MDG 6 is becoming a vital priority. Mobilization is imperative.
“Realizing SDG 6 in fragile and humanitarian contexts”
Moderator: Muyatwa Sitali, Head of country and partner engagement, Sanitation and Water for All (SWA)
Organizers & speakers:
Baptiste Lecuyot, Head of WASH unit, Solidarités International
Bénédicte Wallez, Head of partnerships, Veolia Foundation
Rakèta Kompaoré, Directrice de la Promotion de l'Assainissement, Direction générale de l'assainissement, ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement, Burkina Faso
Bruno Pigott, Acting Assistant Administrator of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Coline Arnoux, Project Manager, Solidarity Water Europe, Butterfly Effect
Jean Damase Roamba, Representative of the Burkinabe Parliament for Youth
Fabrice Fretz, Deputy Head Water Section, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Siobhan Mc Grath, WASH officer / Climate Working Group lead, International Organization for Migration (IOM, UN)
Mustika Wijaya, Founder and Executive Director, Solar Chapter, Indonesia
Brooke Yamakoshi, WASH Specialist, East Asia & Pacific Regional Office, Unicef (ONU)