Social and Employment
Saint-Priest, France
Jean-Daniel Beauval
20 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/07/03
Project leader
Partenaire pour l'Emploi - PAR-E
"The association is backed by the commune's elected representatives and run by a particularly charismatic director. I am convinced that this Jardin de Cocagne is eagerly awaited by the inhabitants and that it will be an excellent lever for professional integration of the gardeners. Everything appears to enjoy the best possible auspices: the plots of the mid-plain kitchen garden are verdant and, in the hothouses, the melons are growing and the first tomato vines are starting to climb!"
Jean-Daniel Beauval
In Saint-Priest, southeast of Lyon, seven neighborhoods have been classed as sensitive urban zones. To lend a hand to the adults experiencing professional insecurity, the Partenaire pour l'Emploi (Par-E) association has set a project to open a Jardin de Cocagne in cooperation with the local Plan for professional integration and employment, the ANPE state employment agency, and the Jardins de Cocagne network. This workforce integration project via organic farming will help provide preliminary aid to the inhabitants of these neighborhoods. The next step is to finance its installation.
Producing Organic Vegetables by way of Finding a Job
On the 10 acre plot leased free of charge by the town hall, the Par-E association plans to produce organic vegetables. They will be marketed in the form of weekly baskets supplied to member-consumers. The new organic farmers on the road to professional integration will be accepted like any employee, with the acquisition of new skills as the trump card. They will also benefit from medical observation and a health check up.
The Veolia Foundation is backing the project of the Par-E association by financing the purchase of a transport vehicle, cold rooms to store the produce harvested, and IT hardware.