Environment and Biodiversity
Triel-sur-Seine, Yvelines, France
Marc Boulkeroua
20 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/01/31
Project leader
Le Parc aux étoiles
"Once this renovation will be achieved, many programs will be offered to all publics. For instance : public discoveries of the canopy of heaven, statements or pratical exercices for scholars etc ∑ This project will help a public coming from the Paris aria to increase its scientific knowledge."
Marc Boulkeroua
10 000 stars visible !
Why are Andromède and Cassiopée so near to each other? At what time is the Orion shield visible from the Northern hemisphere, notably in the winter season ?
In order to answer to all these questions as well as to familiarize the visitors with the functioning of the galaxies and show them how stars are born then die, the Triel-sur-Seine Parc aux étoiles displays a gigantic astronomical telescope (the largest one accessible to the public) as well as many other events and activities dedicated to the universe.
Open all year round, not only to the public but also to scholars, this successfull attraction park has received 16 000 visitors in and organised this 50 special evenings in 2005.
In order to re-enforce its mission, the parc has recently started to renovate the Starball planetarium, ex property of the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de La Villette, in Paris.
Thanks to this sophisticated projector, 10 000 lenses allow the visitor to follow the run of 10 000 stars and to start to become familiar with the the constellations’ movements.
This planeterium is also a fabulous educational tool to understand recent phenomena or to imagine what the future of the universe could be.
Before reopening , the planeterium needs many investments such as new lenses, electronic sound, a new dome, a new program.
The Parc aux Etoiles has contacted all those who could be interested in the project. For the practical part of the work, partnerships have been signed with engineering schools. For the financial aspect, many institutions have been contacted. The Veolia foundation has finally been chosen to take part in this financial side of the renovations.
Isn‚t looking at stars a great way to get to know the world ?