Humanitarian and Development
Tendième, Senegal
Philippe Bernat
10 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/03/31
Project leader
Les Amis de Tendième
« This project is led by an association of the commune of Villebrumier, with which Tendieme is twinned. It therefore fits into the string of projects already completed successfully, and as part of an exchange between the two communes of comparable size, clearly determined to make this partnership thrive. At Villebrumier, the population gladly participates in this twinning, which is celebrated every year by a banquet and a screening showing the projects completed in the year. »
Philippe Bernat
For several years, the commune of Villebrumier, in the Tarn-et-Garonne district, and that of Tendième, in Casamance, Sénégal have been twinned.
A nonprofit association, Les Amis de Tendième, was created on the French side : it develops outreach projects between the populations of the two cities.
And since 2006, new projects have been undertaken regularly. For 2009, three types of action are being considered.
Improving the equipment of the maternity home
Les Amis de Tendième plan to help the maternity home of the city to acquire new and functional equipment so that the women can deliver in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, care and safety.
This maternity home, like the nearby dispensary, will also be connected to a solar power plant to supply the two establishments with electricity.
2009 will also see the start of construction of a junior-high school, to facilitate school access to the young people of the village and top level secondary education - and to avoid a painful geographic separation from their families during this phase of their schooling.
This project will be an opportunity to create three more teaching jobs in the city, paid by the state of Senegal.
The grant from the Veolia foundation will be used to equip the maternity home and build the solar power facility.