Social and Employment
Aiguillon, France
Jean-Luc Appay
€8,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/10/20
Project leader
Association pour la réparation et l'entretien de véhicules automobiles (APREVA)
"This project lies at the heart of the outreach economy and fits in perfectly with my idea of workforce development and outreach. Offering to lease cars to persons with difficulty looks to me like an excellent springboard for their future integration."
Jean-Luc Appay
In a rural area, economically rather poor, without much public transportation, with persons who often work irregular hours, without ignoring the problem of seasonal jobs... the lack of mobility can be a serious handicap. This finding led Association pour la réparation et l'entretien de véhicules automobiles (APREVA) to create a back-to-work project in the Fromadan business park in the Lot-et-Garonne district. In addition to its primary back-to-work mission, this workshop will set up mobility assistance projects to promote the social and professional integration of publics in difficulty, thanks to the availability of low-rent cars.
The lack of mobility can be a severe handicap
The first step is to have an automobile fleet. To do this, the nonprofit simply applied to EDFGRDF, which traditionally breathes new life into its blue vehicles. Thus a good hundred cars hit the road for the back-to-work workshop, culminating in contracts for 10 mechanics charged with overhauling and maintaining the vehicles. These cars, completely overhauled, will be offered at low cost to people looking for a job in the 7 relay stations planned in the district.