Social and Employment
Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
Jean-Pierre Varlet
15,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/10/04
Project leader
Réseaux de savoir de Satie
"This project is a step towards equality of opportunity for trainees who are often from underprivileged backgrounds. Providing the association with modern communication and information resources will be a big help for those struggling to achieve social integration."
Jean-Pierre Varlet
Making a room equipped with fifteen networked work stations with Internet connections...An opportunity which the "Association populaire socio-éducative des migrants" (Apsem) is keen to offer to its members via its "Les réseaux de savoir de Satie" project.
Based in the working class district of the Grand Mirail in Toulouse, for the past twenty years Apsem has helped provide access to education for all those who lack qualifications for finding work due to their having dropped out of the school system too early or their immigrant backgrounds. At Apsem, these mainly female members who often only have income support to live on, can take literacy classes and find support in finding "alternating" contracts or for business creation.
IT as a stepping stone
With the opening of a room equipped with fifteen networked work stations with Internet connections, Apsem is improving the quality of its services.
The computers, equipped with software, headsets, printers and scanners are used to organise a wide range of activities. For instance, a workshop helps people draft CVs, hunt for jobs and improve their literacy skills. Another develops a website enabling trainees to network.
The Veolia Foundation provided funding for the purchase of computer hardware and software to the tune of 15,000 euros. This grant, aimed at the most disadvantaged classes in the Toulouse urban area has since been augmented by another two contributions for the "Compagnons Bâtisseurs" network in the Midi-Pyrénées and the "Coeur Métis" association.