Social and Employment
Marseille, France
Thierry Vandevelde
€30,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/06/28
Project leader
Adolescents d'Ici et d'Ailleurs (Adadi)
The nonprofit Adolescents d'Ici et d'Ailleurs (Adadi) is led by Marcel Rufo, pedopsychiatrist, well known to the TV audience of France 5 for his broadcast Allo Rufo, which answers questions on children of all ages. It organizes multidisciplinary conferences and intercultural exchanges on adolescence, and encourages research projects and training and teaching on adolescents. It has also decided to promote and lead projects designed to improve the quality of life of adolescents in France and abroad: guidance, assistance and care resources and structures, information, evaluation, counseling, expertise.
Speech uninhibited by the virtual
Adadi, aware of the vast extent of internet use among adolescents and young adults, is creating a Virtual Home for Adolescents, in the form of an internet platform. It is relying on the sensation of release felt on the web, which loosens tongues, particularly via the new tools such as instant messaging and social networks. It feels that any modern handling of the problems of adolescents must rely on this new type of communication.
The Virtual Home for Adolescents will therefore be a mass public site aimed at adolescents. By making it easy to talk, the Virtual Home for Adolescents will answer questions from young cybernauts and offer them psychological support provided by professionals, and specialized guidance if necessary.
The site will feature many functions, so that the adolescents can find the answers and the listeners they need, particularly via legal and medical news bulletins. Chat sessions will be organized for a live dialogue with the adolescents. A thematic forum will also promote inter-adolescent exchanges. When it is ready, the site will be evaluated by a team of public health specialists, ensuring quantitative and qualitative follow-up of the questions and answers. As part of its neighborhood outreach action, the Veolia Foundation is contributing to the production of the content of the site.