Social and Employment
Paris 20th District, France
Laurent Aze
7 500 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/10/02
Project leader
Régie de quartier Saint-Blaise Charonne
"The project of the Régie de quartier Saint-Blaise Charonne fits into an outreach and workforce development approach. By seeking to consolidate the social link, the association helps shore up an urban citizenship. Besides, it is financially solid: it has succeeded in turning the organizations which subsidize it into customers for its maintenance services. Having turned a profit since February 2004, it sets aside this income to offset the progressive decrease in startup subsidies. This responsible attitude is a guarantee for the economic viability of this entity."
Laurent Aze
In two years of activity, the Régie de quartier Saint-Blaise Charonne has already succeeded in maintaining a score of jobs under integration contracts. Four technicians supervise the individuals in vocational integration, who are simultaneously accompanied by associations specialized in social issues.
In a few months, the activities of the Régie have quickly diversified: in the beginning, it provided housekeeping services for Opac in several social centers of the 20th district of Paris, for the Régie immobilière de la ville de Paris ( RIVP), etc. It then identified new market openings. After having launched a building painting activity, it now wants to develop more "technical" services in masonry, plumbing, tiling and, above all, the upkeep of public areas and open spaces. To do this, it has to acquire the necessary equipment.
New equipment for new services
The Régie has therefore drawn up an investment program with the aim to offer its customers services of a quality identical to those of the commercial sector. This diversification is expected to create five new jobs as of 2008. A realistic project, if the association acquires the necessary tools for maintaining lawns, working the grounds (especially the flower plots), sprinkling, clean up, and also, if it secured the individual protection necessary for its personnel.
To help professionalize the employees being integrated with the Régie, the Veolia Foundation is financing the planned investments with a 7500 € grant.