Social and Employment
Cran-Gevrier, France
Philippe Fontanel
15,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/01/29
Project leader
Centre Saint-Vincent
"Centre Saint-Vincent is managed like a corporation, the personnel work 35 hours a week and learn to meet the quality and deadline criteria. This serious project corresponds to a genuine social need..."
Philippe Fontanel
Slightly more than ten years ago, a number of major corporation executives, newly retired, got together with the same ambition: to offer the advantage of their professional experience to those who, for many reasons, have no jobs and no real hope of finding one soon (long term unemployed, individuals with serious illnesses or lacking training, etc.). Together, they created Centre Saint-Vincent, a job placement agency, which trains and provides work to its employees in the building trades and industry.
The persons admitted by the Centre benefit from complete medico-social accompaniment with a health checkup, preparation for a driving license, learning and improving their French (for the most disadvantaged).
Objective: Quality vocational training
In addition to this strong social support, the employees of Centre Saint-Vincent learn to work in an absolutely professional manner, with the aim of ensuring that after the two years of the integration contract, the maximum number will find a lasting job.
At Saint-Vincent, activity is therefore managed as in a corporation: it has to be profitable, top quality, and meet deadlines. An integration tutor also supervises each employee in order to lend a hand as long as necessary. Thanks to these rigorous criteria, Centre Saint-Vincent has succeeded for the time being in helping 40% of its integration employees to find a stable job at the end of the integration period - an impressive result in the difficult field of workforce integration.
Armed with this success, and faced with growing demand from its clients, the Centre has decided to boost the number of persons it accommodates from seventeen to twenty-four. It has therefore asked several private organizations to help it increase its equipment storage capacity and to buy new equipment.