Environment and Biodiversity
South Togodo Park, Togo
Thierry Vandevelde
€ 50,000 to the Board of Administration at 2012/03/26
Project leader
Programme des Petites Initiatives, created in 2006 by the French Fund for the World Environment (FFEM), provides financial backing for projects carried by civil society organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa. From 2006 to 2011, PPI financed 102 projects in 25 countries, for over a million euros per year. Completed projects include: urban waste recycling with compost production and the sale of carbon credits (Cameroon, Togo, Madagascar); and medicinal plant gardens in the bush (Senegal, Burkina Faso). The projects are wide-ranging and original.
A steadily growing number of good projects that need funding
The Veolia Foundation sits on the PPI project selection committee, along with major players in environmental patronage - the Albert II Foundation of Monaco, Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme (Nicolas Hulot). So far, all of the PPI financing has come from FFEM.But faced with the growing number of good projects that seek funding, FFEM is opening up to new partners, including the major foundations. The Veolia Foundation is thus committed to supporting the South Togodo Park, alongside Amis de la Terre Togo (ADT-Togo). The latter, already the leader of a water access project financed by the Foundation, is working to improve the living conditions while remediating the environment. Its action in South Togodo is part of this approach.
With an area of 18,000 ha in southeastern Togo, 90 km from Lomé, the South Togodo fauna reserve is one of the country's 10 priority protected areas. 15,000 hectares are thus spared from human pressure, thanks to its reserve status, and 3,000 hectares have been relinquished to the surrounding villages for the development of income generating activities. However, the poor inhabitants, who are dependent on the forestry resources, and have no alternative income, have committed various violations in the park. The area allotted to them has not yet been completely released, for fear of exacerbating its degradation. The inhabitants have therefore applied to ADT-Togo to help them utilize it.
Additional income thanks to apiculture
The project calls for the reforestation of this part of the park and the creation of beekeeping activities, in order to boost the income of the local population: 320 beehives installed in the eight surrounding villages (40 per village). The honey produced will be sold in Lomé and in the large towns of Togo. A honeyhouse exhibiting many honey by-products will be built in one of the villages to attract tourists and sell part of the produce. It is planned to harvest and market over 360 liters of honey per village and per year: this means significant earnings. A dialogue with State agencies is also being encouraged in order to draw up a long-term management plan for the Park.