Social and Employment
Sarthe subdivision, France
Gérard Lesourd
5 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/01/31
Project leader
Sarth 72
« Above its financial interest, the VEF donation will be an encouragement to all the volunteers who work with Sarthe 72 seven days a week. Thanks to this donation, Sarth 72 will be able to pursue and further develop the benefits they give to the elderly of the region ».
Gérard Lesourd
140 000 meals delivered
Sarthe is a area that is known around the world for two major things : the Le Mans car race and the Solesnes Abbey. It is a very rural area of France. Its villages and hamlets have an abundance of elderly people who finish their lives in isolation but have no means or desire to move. The Sarth 72 association was founded in 1999 in order to create a solution to the problem of these elderly yet allow them to remain in their homes.
Thanks to the delivery of hot meals, assistance with shopping and gardening as well as small repairs, Sarth 72 allows the elderly to remain in their homes. As this choice of lifestyle develops in France, it helps another population in need...the handicapped.
Sarth 72 has two roles: helping the elderly and helping the handicapped. Finding work for the handicapped is always a problem in the regular market. For over 6 years, five handicapped workers have been in charge of this indispensible link to the elderly. Each year 140,000 meals are cooked and delivered, 27 rural communes helped and 2000 hours of gardening executed. Sarth 72 employees frequently act as public transportation or taxis for the elderly, especially to take them to their medical appointments. In order to improvce the quality of the services that Sarth 72 provides, they have requested VEF help in acquiring a new van. One with a freezer would be extremely welcome…
* Rural service for handicapped.