Social and Employment
Endoum, Cameroon
Joachim Bitterlich
3 500 € to the Selection Committee at 2010/01/26
Project leader
The association Partenariat pour le Développement d'Endoum (PADE) was created two years ago by Cameroon natives from this village in the province of Haute Sanaga, 200 km north of Yaoundé. It assumed the task of assisting the economic and social development of the village, with the improvement of health being an absolute priority, alongside education, water facilities and electrification.
To complete this project intended mainly to combat major endemics and epidemics by education and the supply of medicines, the association PADE has developed a partnership with the Rotary Clubs of Paris, Concorde and Yaoundé Collines, and has relied on a sister associative structure created locally and managed by the villagers of Endoum.
With 4000 inhabitants spread between 6 hamlets, the village is 45 km from the Lembe health center and 80 km from the Nanga Eboko Hospital via dilapidated roads and trails.
The village community will take charge of running the center
The health center building will be built on the local residential model, so that the villagers can maintain it easily. With an area of 100 m2, it will be divided into five rooms: waiting room, care room, pharmacy, maternity room serving as a dormitory, operating room for simple and urgent operations. A volunteer retired nurse will run the center and will provide first aid to the sick and injured, a traveling doctor will periodically visit to deal with cases beyond the skills of the nurse.
The Veolia Foundation has been approached to complete the financing plan for the infrastructure operations and equipment of the center.