Social and Employment
Saintary, France
Franck Battut
€8,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/10/20
Project leader
Les Jardins de Saintary
"I have to admit, I'm really amazed by the energy of the people participating in running the Jardins de Saintary with the sole hope of helping other persons in difficulty at a particular moment in their lives."
Franck Battut
In 2004, on the instigation of the General Council and the Departmental Directorate of Labor, Employment and Vocational Training (DTEFP) of the Creuse district, the project of a back-to-work agency through business activity led to the creation of the nonprofit Ferme de Saintary, the fruit of the determination of the players in the district to boost the availability of back-to-work activities by organic truck farming activity. Since 2006, the nonprofit has turned towards development on the model of the Jardins de Cocagne, although in a cattle breeding area, truck farming turns out to be a real challenge, especially since the marketing of vegetable baskets is nonexistent in the district!
Truck farming, a genuine challenge
Today, 12 employees work on the project, the nonprofit has more than 130 member-consumers, and wants to expands its supply with the local municipalities, such as school catering. Apart from 7 greenhouses, jardin de Saintary have an approximately 5 hectare plot, which is not irrigated outside the rainy season. It is therefore necessary to set up open country irrigation in order to safeguard the production and ensure proper emergence of the seedlings, which means healthy growth of the vegetables. In organic farming, these are indispensable requirements to guarantee health. The project will also mean the hiring of another 2 people on back-to-work contracts and ensure that the nonprofit can fulfill its mission in the best possible conditions.
The Veolia Foundation is participating in setting up the irrigation systems for the plot.