Social and Employment
Burkina Faso
Henry Morel
13, 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/05/31
Project leader
« This project allows numerous families to continue living in their native villages. However, it also helps people to create the wealth needed to take an important step towards sustainable development. »
Henry Morel
In the village of Motgedo, some one hundred kilometres from Ouagadougou, twenty-five young farmers have joined together within an agricultural grouping. For each rice harvest, it takes a percentage of the raw material. Sale of this produce enables young people to help each other by pooling equipment purchased. Thanks to this organisation and the creation of 200 metres of irrigation canals, thirty to fifty tonnes of rice are now harvested, depending on the season. In addition, about a hundred mango trees have been planted.
More farm labour
To give other young people in Motgedo a chance and provide long-term support to a maximum of families, the farmers are keen to extend land for planting crops. To this end, they will need equipment such as a second-hand tractor, two thermal motor pumps and a generating set.
The Pitchouns association, based in the region of Marseille, has taken a close interest in this village in Burkina Faso. In fact, since it was founded in 1995, Pitchouns has been organising projects to support children and young people in this country through programmes focused on education, training, food support, sending of equipment and medication. Its members pay for travel and assignment expenses out of their own pockets.
Pitchouns has requested assistance from the Veolia foundation to purchase the farming equipment required. Thanks to funding of 13,000 euros, the young farmers will be able to provide for the future of Motgedo and its residents.