Environment and Biodiversity
François Bruyant
10,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2004/09/28
Project leader
« The feasibility of this coherent and well-founded project is underpinned by the presence of Philippe Le Brouster, the new treasurer, who is also a student in computer engineering and has been instrumental in drafting the project's technical documents. »
François Bruyant
Every week 800 students take part in voluntary work in 67 establishments across France. The turnover is high (60% annually, depending on the university curriculum): it is vital for Genepi to have access to a high-performance installed computer base in order to co-ordinate the network of students, ensure follow-up of actions and sharing of information as quickly and effectively as possible.
For improved evaluation of actions
The association needs to evaluate its contributions, another reason it has decided to modernise computer resources. To this end, in order to ensure maximum effectiveness in the future, volunteers fill out a work sheet for every intervention detailing the content of the teaching, the number of participants, etc. There are also end-of-year assessments carried out by managers of local groups. These make it possible to obtain summarised and easy-to-process data concerning needs expressed and the resources required to meet them. But this can only be achieved if the appropriate tools are available! Genepi's computer hardware mainly consists in donations and second-hand equipment. It is now outdated and fragmented, making effective management nigh on impossible. The computer investment project, funded to the tune of 10,000 euros by the Veolia foundation (total budget: 19,000 euros), concerns the association's offices in Paris as well as provision of laptops to five regional delegates based in Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris, Rennes and Strasbourg. Conditions are most favourable for this programme since one of the association's seven new representatives is a graduate of a computer studies college (ENSEEIHT in Toulouse). He has brought his expertise to bear in defining requirements, installing hardware and configuring the network, and now oversees maintenance.