Humanitarian and Development
Inarankadane (Northeast Gao), Mali
Corinne Richard and Frédérique Héry
22 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/05/22
Project leader
SJB (Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau) amitiés internationales
The village of Inarankadane, 40 km from Ménaka, in the Gao region, is a recent construct: it grew on the edge of a road connecting the region to neighboring Niger, and developed on the impetus of a regional market. Many infrastructures therefore still remain to be built to provide the inhabitants with satisfactory living conditions.
To achieve this, it contacted the association SJB (Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau) amitiés internationales, whose goal is to develop international relations of the commune of Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau in the cultural, sports, tourism and linguistic areas, and to promote citizenship and friendship between peoples.
A 60 meter deep well
This partnership led to a decision to build three classrooms, an office-storeroom, waterless toilets and, above all, to drill a well to bring water to this semi-desert region. Considering the importance of the drilling operation, SJB amitiés internationales called on the experts of Veolia Waterforce: the well will be 60 meters deep, to guarantee uninterrupted supply. The Veolia Foundation will provide the financial resources to enable this village to continue to grow.