Social and Employment
Fontbeuzard, Aucamville, Gagnac sur Garonne, Launaguet, Saint-Alban, Saint-Jory, France
Philippe Latre
15 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/05/27
Project leader
Comité de Bassin d'Emploi Nord 31
« This project combines workforce development with environmental conservation, which are major values of our time. The projects will also improve the living environment of the population of the small communes who have joined the committee. »
Philippe Latre
After having worked for many years to help job seekers and companies to meet, the Comité de Bassin d'Emploi Nord 31 (CBE) has crossed a new threshold: it is opening an integration facility to employ a dozen persons itself.
In the north of the Haute-Garonne district, six small communes joined hands in the Comité de Bassin d'Emploi Nord 31 (CBE) in 1999 to foster, develop and ensure the promotion of this territory. Very soon, the Comité set up projects aimed at job seekers alongside the companies active in the area: individualised accompaniment, recruitment aide, discussions on requirements by branch of activity, etc.
In 2008 the CBE took a new step: it wants to develop an integration facility in the environmental area to create jobs aimed at persons undergoing job placement.
Riverbank rehabilitation and organic farming
Three projects are set to begin with the help of the employees of the CBE 31. On the banks of the river Hers, the Comité is refurbishing the natural heritage by operations including felling, clearing, planting and landscaping to be followed by the creation of an educational "nature and discovery" path supplemented by a health promenade.
Alongside the communal Gagnac, CBE 31 is rehabilitating a spring on the bank of the Garonne. It also plans to create an organic vegetable garden and orchard, relying on the experience of the Jardins de Cocagne.
To successfully develop these various projects while making sure to accompany its employees in social aspects, CBE 31 will work together with other structures: Les Ateliers du possible and Maison familiale et rurale de Launaguet, as well as the association Nature Midi-Pyrénées, the minimum-wage arrangements of the Regional Council of Haaute-Garonne and the PLIE of Greater Toulouse.
The grant from the Veolia foundation will help CBE 31 to purchase the indispensable equipment for launching this new activity: a worksite vehicle, tools, power cultivator and the first seeds and saplings for the organic truck garden. Ultimately, CBE 31 plans to employ 12 persons in job integration thanks to this new initiative.