Social and Employment
Ile-de-France, France
Denis Gasquet
50,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/07/01
Project leader
Académie Christophe Tiozzo
Christophe Tiozzo, three-time world boxing champion, especially in the light-heavyweight class in 1990, is the enduring French reference in the boxing world of the last twenty years - especially with youths in the so-called "sensitive" neighborhoods. For them, this highly appreciated sport helps to acquire a discipline, rules, respect for the opponent, the taste for effort, while offering them the opportunity to control and channel their combativeness.
To encourage many youths to move on from mere interest to regular practice, the association "Académie Christophe Tiozzo" is therefore opening high level boxing schools in numerous difficult neighborhoods of Ile-de-France. Managed by local clubs, they are supervised by a sports coach and provide a demanding sports education.
Getting the young sportsmen and companies to know one another
Alongside this work, Académie Christophe Tiozzo is developing a workforce development sideline with the players of the educational, social world and partner companies. The aim is to draw the human resources managers from companies in sectors needing manpower to the young sportsmen: building and public works, municipal services, mass merchandising, etc.
Initially, the first contacts between the youths and the companies will be supervised by the sports trainers assisted by social educators.
Then, Académie Christophe Tiozzo will take charge of raising the awareness of the youths most open to starting a working life, by checking and encouraging their motivation, their seriousness, their assiduity and their passion to succeed.
The Veolia foundation will contribute significantly to the opening of many of these boxing schools, in order to help the most motivated youths to build themselves a top level social, sports and professional future.