Environment and Biodiversity
Albert Royal
€25,000 to the Selection Committee at 2005/02/08
Project leader
Association François Aupetit
« One of the FAA's main goals is to end the isolation of the people suffering from this illness, as well as their families, and to give them enough information to help them live their daily lives with the disease rather than suffering from it. This investment will make it possible to increase the efficiency of that effort.. »
Albert Royal,
The François Aupetit Association (FAA) was established in 1982 and became a recognised public service organisation in 1996.
It is the only French organisation that is wholly devoted to the support and development of research into chronic inflammatory bowel disease, IBD. It has more than 9,000 supporters and members.
IBD affects 150,000 people in France and can be severely debilitating at the time of an attack but its cause remains unknown at this time. IBD outbreaks occur mostly in young adults, 20 to 35 years old, who must undergo treatment, or even repeated surgery, and food restrictions for life. In addition to supporting research, the FAA offers information and services to improve the quality of life of patients and their family and friends.
Strengthening ties with members
New IT equipment has made it possible to strengthen ties with the managers and members of the FAA.
To gain in efficiency, the FAA is building up the 26 regional branches it has today so as to be closer to patients and health care professionals: putting together conferences and workshops, round-the-clock hospital presence and social gatherings to end the isolation caused by this illness. Most of its exchanges with its regional branches have long been carried out by post and telephone.
To improve its communication, FAA has acquired information technology facilities. New equipment and software — a server, data bases, Internet connections to the 26 branches — have made it possible to strengthen the ties with the branch managers and members. The Veolia foundation has assisted the FAA in its information technology investments through a €25,000 grant.