Social and Employment
Saint-Denis, France
Marie-Thérèse Suart-Fiovarante
10 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2012/06/05
Project leader
"Enabling junior high school kids from the vulnerable neighborhoods to experience their training course in a corporation as a constructive step in their vocational orientation, and also for their school achievement, is an original and extremely operational project!"
Marie-Thérèse Suart-Fiovarante
A young nonprofit in the Paris area, Un Stage et Après was the fruit in 2009 of a desire to institutionalize the research and preparation of the training courses for the junior high school students of the vulnerable neighborhoods of Seine-Saint-Denis. The aim is to enable each individual, regardless of his background and his school aptitude, to discover the professions and to obtain a training course that could be of use in the future. To achieve this goal, the nonprofit has designed a Discovery itinerary that begins in the freshman year and is made up of workshops, lectures and trade forums, led by professionals and students. Training courses are then offered to all the students, according to their choice, in the large corporations, administrations, small and medium businesses, or with craftsmen. The last part of the year is devoted to thinking about orientation so that it is chosen and not forced. In June 2010, the jury of the Student Solidarity Prize of the Veolia Foundation also rewarded the initiative and helped finance the installation of the internet site.
A collaborative platform to optimize coordination
Many parties have been involved in completing the projects: a huge task of contact and coordination is necessary to organize all the events proposed. To optimize coordination, Un Stage et Après is currently conceptualizing an intramural collaborative platform, which allows for more fluidity in the organization and daily management of the nonprofit's activities. Such a tool has many functions: student/volunteer collaboration around motivation letters or Resumes, organization of workshops by the teachers, uploading of procedures, etc. The platform will thus allow the interaction of all the players involved, in other words, 1 300 students, 97 professionals, 100 volunteers, parents and public players.
The Veolia Foundation is contributing to the financing of the collaborative platform.
Un stage, et après ?
Domain: Social and employment
Country: France
Endowment: 01/12/2009
Creation of a network for providing a link between secondary and high school students of the sensitive districts of the Paris region, and companies, to broaden the availability of training courses and promote equal opportunity.